It may be that you are studying to be a pharmacist, and you are already a PDA member (membership is free of charge for pharmacy students, Click here to join). It may be that you are interested in this fascinating humanitarian aspect of pharmacy, and you would like to get involved with this exciting PDA program. If so, then there are number of things that you could potentially consider.
- Attend the humanitarian conference for pharmacy students that is being organised in the UK by the PDA.
- Join a group of pharmacy students who are interested in developing their interest in humanitarian pharmacy.
- Develop your leadership skills by organising a fund-raising event at your school of pharmacy to support one of the current ‘Medicines To’ campaigns.
- Persuade your school of pharmacy to host a humanitarian pharmacy lecture or event.
- Display posters at your pharmacy school or even distribute them for display in your area.
- Ultimately, become a humanitarian pharmacist and work abroad in a humanitarian crisis zone as part of your planned career in pharmacy.
- There are many additional possibilities.
If you would like more information, then please complete this on-line enquiry form and we will be in contact.